Ap Llwybr Dychmygu
Dewch i ddarganfod straeon cyffrous ac ysbrydoledig am dreftadaeth leol, gaiff eu cyfleu drwy reality estynedig, animeiddiad, ffilm, celf, ysgrifennu creadigol a phrofiadau sain.
Wedi eu datblygu dros ddwy flynedd, gweithiodd 334 o bobl leol, yn cynnwys haneswyr lleol ac ysgolion, gyda 22 o artistiaid lleol a hwyluswyr creadigol er mwyn datblygu 52 o ddarnau creadigol ar gyfer yr ap yn ystod 295 o weithdai cymunedol.
Eich her os ydych yn dymuno ei derbyn yw lawrlwytho’r ap am ddim a mynd ar eich antur eich hun i’r gorffennol. Rydym yn gobeithio y byddwch yn mwynhau’r daith! Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb a roddodd eu hamser, gwybodaeth, egni a chreadigrwydd i’r prosiect.
The Imagine Trail
Discover exciting and inspiring stories from local heritage, brought to life through augmented reality, animation, film, art, creative writing and audio experiences.
Developed over 2 years, 334 local people, including local historians and schools worked with 22 local artists and creative facilitators to develop 52 creative pieces for the app during 295 community workshops.
Your challenge if you wish to accept it is to download the app for free and take your own adventure into the past. We hope you enjoy the journey! With a huge thanks to all who have contributed their time, knowledge, energy and creativity to the project.
Datblygwyd Llwybr Dychymyg gan TAPE Community Music and Film a Reality Boffins fel rhan o Dychmygu Bae Colwyn. Fe’i harianwyd gyda diolch i Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy a Chyngor Tref Bae Colwyn.
The Imagine Trail has been developed by TAPE Community Music and Film and Reality Boffins as part of Imagine Colwyn Bay. Funded with thanks to the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Conwy County Borough Council and the Bay of Colwyn Town Council.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth ar y Llwybr Dychmygu a’r holl waith i adeiladu’r ap, ewch I ….
Oni bai y nodir yn wahanol ac eithrio logos cwmni a sefydliad, rhennir y gwaith hwn o dan Drwydded Ryngwladol Anfasnachol – Priodoleddau Creative Commons 4.0
For more information on the Imagine Trail and all the work that went into building the app, visit…
Except where noted and excluding company and organisation logos this work is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International licence